Sunday, September 1, 2013

Recent change to blog

The purpose of this post is to inform my regular readers and subscribers that as of today I have decided to moderate all comments made on this blog. Don't get me wrong, I am all for free speech and all that but I am growing weary of having theists spammers blowing up my comment sections with comments that have nothing to do with the post. Also, I prefer that if you want to comment that you do just that. I would appreciate that your comments will be relative to the posts and nothing more.

Please don't post links without some sort of comment or intro explaining where those links lead to and only do so if those links are relative to the post. Lately I have been under attack on Google + forums and at times on my own blog. I will not tolerate people coming here to insult my readers or disrespect me. That sort of behavior will not be tolerated.

I would like all my readers and visitors to this blog both atheist and theists alike to try and keep your arguments civil and to respect each others views and opinions. I will no longer allow myself to be dragged into arguments that devolve into ad hominem attacks and personal insults or threats. Not only will I not post comments containing threats but I will personally report you to the site administrators.

I'm here to learn both from atheists and theists, but sometimes I know that we will not always agree on certain matters. In those cases I am quite fine with agreeing to disagree and leaving that discussion there. Have fun and exercise your mind freely, if anyone feels that they can't do this then you are welcome to not come back. It's the internet but if you don't like what is being said it is just like a television you can always change the channel.


  1. Makes sense to me. Nobody likes having to wade through spam, and that's why I do it.

    1. I don't mind wading through spam but when you open up your comments and all you see are an abundance of irrelevant links it gets annoying. I will post any and all comments by theists and atheists that are relevant and on topic whether I agree with them or not. I enjoy the challenge of refuting theistic claims and allowing others to engage in logical and productive discussions as well.

  2. As much as I enjoy opposing views from well-meaning theists, I have to agree that a few of them seem to exist solely for the purpose of spewing their hate for those of us who don't share their delusion. It's a sad commentary on a belief system that is supposedly based in "love" and "compassion."

    From a technical standpoint, is there not any way to selectively ban certain antagonists?

    1. "From a technical standpoint, is there not any way to selectively ban certain antagonists?"

      I tried doing that Paul but found that there were only three options. No moderation, moderate sometimes, or moderate all comments. I would love the ability to hand pick and ban certain trouble makers but I have not yet discovered how to do that. I will be looking into that further.

  3. Replies
    1. David Mabus particularly was one of the people who kept blowing up my blog with nothing but idiotic links to irrational and nonsensical information. I have blocked him on my Google+ account as well. But there are others as well. If I can find a cleaner solution to this problem in the near future then I will let you know.

    2. Mabus is pretty notorious for when he's banned somewhere making a new account with a new name, though it's obviously him. IP blocks don't work either - because of his history no IP will give him service, so he goes to internet cafes, libraries, etc. But he might be going away soon as it's a violation of his terms of release to be on the internet at all - I'm sure PZ Myers and others have reported him to the Montreal police.

    3. I guess that's me banned then! :)

    4. You're not banned terence. In fact, you have not insulted me or anyone else here in anyway and have endeavoured to present your view in a respectful way. You've nothing wrong in my eyes and I appreciate your input on this blog.

  4. It sucks that you have to do that because the "God gave us free will" groupies won't respect your right not to believe in their mythology.

    1. Not concerned with the God groupies and what they think about this matter lol.

  5. Why not try switch to another comment format. Positive side, its easier to control the spam, negative side however is that people have to sign up to comment. This is the one thing that dissuades people from debate which I think/know happens on my blog, but to evade too much spam I think its worth it.

  6. Too bad there's no way to block certain accounts, or at least set trusted people as not needing approval. Mabus's shit is bad enough he should be banned from the blogspot site itself, and probably not allowed to have a google account either. He's got to be banned from thousands of sites by now. I fist encountered him around 2006 but apparently he's been at it since Usenet like 20 years ago. Nutcase. You can't have an atheist or skeptic website or even blog without his crazy ass showing up. He's even been the subject of talk on the Skeptics Guide to the Universe and Non-Prophets podcasts several times.

    1. Mabus is still spamming my blog but now he cant post anything withput my approval. It will be a cold day in hell before I let that slob pollute my blog with his trash.

    2. If you're bored and want a laugh, go find one of his posts (they're still all over the internet) and picture it being read out loud by Morgan Freeman. Of course most places he includes lots of weird pictures and links to youtube that make no sense.

    3. I get enough of that pathetic clown here on my own blog. The guy's not all there.

    4. That's puting it mildly. He's crazier than a shithouse rat.
