Wednesday, October 2, 2024

On Christian hypocrisy

Let's start with Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (NIV)

    Now as far as I am concerned this is a pretty good and practical commandment. But, apparently Christians seem to have trouble either comprehending it or even applying it to their daily lives. Christians in general are not content to live and let live. This is especially true of fundamentalist believers. The ones who insist that this is a Christian nation founded on Christian principles. 

    I myself was a former fundamentalist Pentecostal believer from 1990-94' and held many of the same beliefs. But one thing I never did was force my beliefs on others. I simply told people about Jesus and God's plan of salvation as I understood it and gave them the opportunity to accept it. If they didn't I just went on about my business and kept them in my prayers. I never threatened anyone or tried to intimidate them into believing with the idea of hell and eternal punishment. 

    As an atheist I don't really care what other people believe. I am only concerned when those beliefs infringe on my right to live freely as I choose. I don't have problems with gays or abortions, or any other issue that theists want to defend basing themselves not on facts but on their own interpretation of their god's commandments. 

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7 (NIV)

    Christians love to judge but they don't like it when it comes back to them in kind. They love to reap discord and bigotry but can't take the heat when they have it returned to them. They start claiming that they are being persecuted or discriminated against. They even go as far as saying that their right to practice their religion is being taken away! Because creationism is not taught in public schools they claim that they are being oppressed by the scientific community. They want equal time to teach their doctrines and beliefs in a secular classroom. 

    it is time to put these people in their place! This world is the way it is and everyone has their own beliefs or lack of beliefs and it is none of your business! If anything you are the true oppressors in our society. You think that the world has to bend to your will and that the rest of us should be forced to do so. Whatever happened to free will? I choose not to believe in your gods nor follow your religions. I don't think that there is enough evidence to warrant me bowing the knee and lowering my head in obeisance to your imaginary guy in the sky. 

    Christians, it is time to come down from your high horse and stop being hypocrites! Stop acting like you live in another plane high above the rest of us. What you call sin is nothing more than human nature in most instances. Stop making excuses for your flaws by claiming that God knows that you are a sinner and weak and imperfect. The only way that one could be a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim is by being a hypocrite and a liar to themselves. Stop living a lie and come down to Earth with the rest of us.


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